The Success of Weber State University’s Inaugural COMMfest

If you have ever spoken with someone who has said, “I am a communication major,” some of these thoughts may have been running through your mind: Communication? There are no jobs for a major like that. With a communication degree you just have to be good at speaking, right? While students often believe these stories about communication degrees, we are here to debunk those myths and set students straight. What better way to educate the public about what exactly you can do with such a degree than to host a festival specifically for communication?

Dr. Nicola Corbin views COMMfest offerings

COMMfest was an incredible opportunity for students to learn and engage in different aspects of communication. Seven concentrations, including Civic Advocacy, Multimedia Journalism and Organizational Communication were featured on separate tables with specific information about what jobs you may expect. Two breakout sessions were available for students to participate in, offering them the opportunity to listen to communication professionals in order to become more educated about what the degree entails. The atmosphere of the festival was designed to be very carnival-like in order to attract students and encourage them to participate. Activities included: arts and crafts, contests and spin wheel games. I have to say, my favorite part was the popcorn machine!

Zombies stand by at COMMfest

COMMfest helps students gain a better understanding about what they can do with a communication degree by educating them on the different possibilities available. One of the breakout sessions included a panel of professionals who have communication degrees. These individuals provided students with information about what life is like after graduation. It is beneficial for students to actually speak with real graduates and experience what they do in their jobs in order to catch a glimpse of what the future may hold for them.

What About Non-Communication Majors?
COMMfest is for everyone. The purpose is to educate and highlight the degree in hopes of attracting students to the major. For those students who are undecided about what they want to major in, COMMfest is the place for them. With so many different aspects and emphases in a communication degree, students who have not declared a major will definitely find a concentration which interests them. Students who have already declared a major outside of the degree would also benefit from COMMfest because the opportunities are not limited to communication majors. Another breakout session presented at COMMfest included short presentations put on by faculty members in the communication department. The purpose of this session was to showcase the research faculty members performed about different aspects of communication. Students who are not communication majors could benefit from this session by learning the importance of performing research and becoming encouraged to do research about something that interests them.

Students learn from communication professionals at COMMfest

Overall, COMMfest was a huge success. There were a number of students from different majors engaging in the activities and learning about what it means to be a communication major. Students had the opportunity to learn about the seven different communication emphases: digital media, public relations, interpersonal and family, multimedia journalism, organizational communication, teaching and civic advocacy while experiencing the different jobs available for each one. Not only was the festival educational, it was an opportunity for students to become involved and learn about the communication organizations on campus such as: The Signpost, radio station KWCR, Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) and television station Studio 76 by participating in different activities presented by each organization. If you missed COMMfest this year, be sure to check us out next year to discover which myths exist about a communication degree and watch us debunk them.

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